Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Campers Review.

I would love to say how much fun camp was this year, how much enjoyment I had listening to the messages, singing to the songs, playing the games and feeling all good about myself.

I can't.

It felt more like somebody repeated hit me over the head with a two-by-four every time our speaker, Jack Hager, began to speak to us. God speaking through him pointed out so many things about myself that were just so....out of whack, that every morning, and every night, he gave me something new to chew on. My mind was in constant processing mode, and I know I missed some of it, but I got so much out of it too. God showed me so much in that short span of 5 days he spoke through Jack, and I can't believe how much of it I had already been struggling with for months now.

I learned how distorted my priorities were; I placed so many things above God that I couldn't even see him anymore. I thought so many things about guys that I know I shouldn't, and that was harming my relationship with Him even further. I will always struggle with things like forgiveness, love, trust and so many things, but I know God will preserve me. It hurt so much, but it felt so good to become broken and renewed in him. It was also so encouraging to see so many other people begin to grow and bloom in The Lord, and I can't wait to see how God will use them!

On the last day. Jack asked us to sign a agreement, sign a pact, make a pledge. To become Christs disciple; to become his servant, to take up my cross and die to myself daily so he can be glorified through all I do. The road will always be hard, and I will have to give up everything daily to follow Him! My love for him should be so big and so bright, that in comparison my love for my friends, family and myself would be hate. 

Others signed the same pledge, each I pray understanding what road awaits them. I will try to pray for my brothers and sisters daily in their walk and that they would be strong in The Lord and hope that they pray the same for me also.

Like I said, a hard road awaits all of us who choose to take up our crosses daily to follow him, but I know that it will be a road that will show his glory through and through.

I ask for prayer for something God laid on my heart a few months ago. My town is so broken and so sick, and I believe he gave me a heart for it. No matter how much I hate Fernwood, God placed me here for a reason. Please pray that I have the courage to help my town come to Christ, or even a small portion of it. It isn't how big or how small that matters, though; it's if you're willing to listen to Gods calling.

In other, less life changing news, I'm getting sick! It might be from my cabin leader, or it might be my body saying 'die', but it doesn't change the fact that I am indeed, sick! So you can pray for that, also.

Signing out,

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