Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cleaning Spree!

Today my mom said 'Time to clean!' And that's where I, being the lazy person I was this morning, groaned. Cleaning is not my thing, okay. Most people LOVE cleaning, but I dislike it strongly. I don't hate it, but its work and work is like my number 1# enemy, besides chocolate. So after feeding my horses with my little brother as my slave. We began to move boxes and such.
Loading the car with boxes took only about 15 minutes, then we would spend 15 minutes driving, unpacking, and taking a load from the trailer, packing it into our car, then unpacking it into the storage shed AGAIN. We did that about 4 times today.Then we worked on dishes. There's not a dirty dish in this house YAY! Then I had to clean the stove, which is one of the chores my daddy so gracefully blessed me with. So I vacuumed it, then took my trusty sponge and scrubbed it, let it sit, then scrubbed it some more, then dried it off with a dish towel.
Then me and my mom went to take some dirty laundry over to the other house, where my daddy was moving our extremely, over-sized trailer. The hornets were NOT happy with my family today!

All and all, I didn't complain ONCE! I was happy to get rid of the junk and whatnot. Well, at least my mom said I didn't complain. I complain playfully, so it doesn't sound like I'm complaining.

God taught me today that work is good and you earn special privileges when you work! (Like sitting here on the computer)

With love,


1 comment:

  1. You are turning into an amazing young lady, thankyou for all your help yesturday
